RF Viper
(Directed Energy)
Wrong-Way Drivers Beware.
Our technology is advancing the way we combat vehicles hazardously driving the wrong direction.
It Takes a Village
As a small start-up company, the support system provided by our partners is invaluable.
RS Solutions received a Phase I and II SBIR grant from the Federal Highway Administration to research and develop a directed energy system to stop wrong-way vehicles physically. Our system – RF Viper, stopped several makes and models at speeds up to 40 mph. Non-lethal and Non-destructive. However, the auto manufacturers are adding more and more shielding to protect the increased electrical systems to autos. This added shielding makes RF Viper much less effective. Accordingly, we paused our efforts pending additional funding.
Our team enjoyed the challenges in developing RF Viper and the personal relationships.
Neil Berens and Jay Berens offer a heartfelt thanks to:
- Federal Highway Administration – Jeff Shaw and Tammy Taylor
- Phoenix Analysis Design and Technology (PADT) – Don Pegg, systems engineer
- Antennovation – James Aberle Ph.D. – RF Engineer
- Christian Fortunato – systems engineer
- DOD – JIFCO (JNLWP) – Adam Clark and Josh Pompaii
- Stewart Manufacturing – Patrick Stewart (CNC machining)
- iConcrete – Bruce Kriens (test pit)
- White Mountain Metal Shop (welding)
- Jim Harrison – Manufacturing Extension Partnership
- Shelly Glandon & Nancy Roth – Blue Canoe Marketing
- Trafficalm – WWD detection system
- TAPCO – traffic safety company
- Levitate Media – Ryan Martinson – Animated Video
- Sammy Panice – website
- John Bradley – business strategy
- Shannon Scutari – transportation lobbyist
- Tyler Encinas – employee
- White Mountain Nature Center (landlord)
- Arizona Commerce Authority (Virtual Accelerator):
- Andy Beran – coach
- Hartman Titus Plc – Joseph Mott (patent attorney)
- Serenity Bookkeeping – Angie Polynin
- Solutions IRB – Institutional Review Board protecting research participants
Directed Energy
RF Viper has been designed to combat wrong-way drivers but there is a whole world of solutions our systems can be applied.
Real World Testing
R&D is our number one priority as we continue to make progress in developing our technology. This video shows our technology shutting down a Mercedes driving the wrong way. Vehicles are disabled temporarily and not permanently damaged.
System Overview
RF Viper consists of proprietary antennas installed in the pavement, with RF Generators on the side of the ramp.
When a WWD is detected, RF Viper sends electrical energy up, into the engine compartment, jamming the sensors and engine control unit, stopping the engine.
Deaths each year are caused by wrong-way driver-related accidents. Deaths are up 34% since 2014. (source AAA March 2021)
Existing WWD systems
Existing systems include thermal cameras, lighted signs, flashing signs. These are limited to alerting and warning drivers. RF Viper physically stops the WWD on the ramp – before entering the freeway.
Tire spikes, gates, hydraulic barriers do not meet FHWA requirements.
We process complex data.
“..not just a business opportunity, you have a social responsibility for the successful development and commercialization of RF Viper.”
Andy Beran, Coach & Mentor
AZ Commerce Authority
RS Solutions Team

Jay Berens

Don Pegg
Phoenix Analysis, Design and Technology

Neil Berens
Operations Manager

Tyler Encinas

Jim Aberle PhD
RF Engineering